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aaw7boot.log file



  • Support
    Hi DrDOS,

    I don't know in which country and time zone you live but for me living in Sweden it isn't strange.

    It depends on how you interpret a date given in that format. According to the ISO 8601 standard a date can be presented in the order year - month - day, that is 2011-05-11 means 11th of May 2011 which is the date of your post according to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). UTC is used internally in Windows computers but "translated" to current time zone when displayed on the screen.


  • Customer
    Hi CeciliaB,

    Thanks for the speedy response.

    I am familiar with the UTC form of time usage. I guess what I'm saying is that the file should have shown me my date/time and not something else. It should have taken into account my location instead of showing me Zulu time which was meaningless.

    You said something very important too - when displayed on the screen - It should be MY screen right? I don't believe I should have to figure anything out in a file found on my laptop, do you?

    Also, I posted my message on the 10th at 10:53 PM. I am US on EST. My reply is 11th at 8:03 AM.

    Again, thanks. Hope the weather there is good. Here close but no cigar on flooding.
  • Support
    Hi DrDOS,

    I believe that date/time in the log files are not converted since they are not meant to be read by normal users but only by support personal and similar.

    Your messages were posted 04:53 AM and 02:02 PM, central European time zone.

    Here the weather is lovely, better than usual for first half of May.

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