Unable to install AdAware
I've had Ad-Aware before, but not for a long time. Before I had it removed, it wasn't working. I would try to open it, the loading icon would show up, and stay there for all eternity. Repeated steps resulted in the same outcome, so I uninstalled it and attempted to install, but it would not work on multiple attempts.
Fast forward a year to now, I'm trying to install this newer version, and it is have the same (or similar) problems. I get to this screen:
To which, following the instructions, I click Continue, which immediately brings me to this screen:
History, it seems, is repeating itself.
Edited: So I just did a brief search on my computer (Vista) and saw
Attempted to un-install it, but got
I also delete those 3 items (Ad-Aware, Ad-Aware Update, Uninstall Ad-aware), for those were apparently shortcuts. Did not help with the installation of Ad-Aware 11.
For the Lavasoft zip, I found an Ad-Aware folder, and an Ad-Aware 11 folder. The tutorial said to have the Ad-Aware 11 folder, but I have sent both.
For the MSI, I had no clue what I was doing. The power went out in my area as I was doing this tutorial, so how accurate it is, Idk. But considering I couldn't find anything in that time-zone with MSI I'm sure it's fine.The last ones seems fairly intrusive but.. you know... whatever.
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Hi DeviLe15,
It seems to be a mix of several versions of Ad-Aware in the computer. Those two icons that have a globe are version 9 or earlier of Ad-Aware and the two others I don't even recognize. Old left-overs can disturb installations of newer versions. Let us see what we can find in the computer and how to remove it.
Please, collect logs and other information by following the instructions in http://www.lavasoftsupport.com/index.php?/topic/33638-collect-logs-for-troubleshooting/ .
Save DDS to your desktop: http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/sUBs/dds.scr
Double-click on the DDS tool to run it.
When finished, DDS will open two (2) logs:
1. DDS.txt
2. Attach.txt
Save them to your desktop and attach them to your answer, please.0 -
The Ad-Aware folder without 11 was used by Ad-Aware version 10. Since it seems to be installed September 2011, I think it's beta version.
It's important that all functions in AVG is disabled (not only real-time protection) when trying to install or uninstall Ad-Aware, or even best if you can temporarily uninstall it.
The Ad-Aware you were trying to uninstall seems to be version 8.2.
I can only see one Ad-Aware file that is started in the computer, and that's a driver from Ad-Aware 8 or 9. Please, delete it in the following way:
Start menu - All programs - Accessories
Right-click Commando Prompt and select Run as administrator.
In the Command Prompt window enter these commands, end each one with the Enter key:
sc stop Lbd
sc delete Lbd
Restart the computer.
Is it possible to delete all Ad-Aware/Lavasoft folders in the computer?
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To delete the Lavasoft folder in my Program Files, it says I need permission to delete it after clicking on all of the confirmation pop-ups
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I was able to delete everything in the folder except one file: ShellExt.dll
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Please, try to delete a few files and folders inside the Lavasoft folder at a time to decide which file you aren't allowed to delete.
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Yes, I was able to remove that Shell file, and with it, the Lavasoft folder in Program Files
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Good, that's the file that is called by Windows when you right-click a file and selects that is should be scanned by Ad-Aware. It's possible to edit the right-click menu in a number of programs. The page http://www.raymond.cc/blog/how-to-edit-right-click-context-menu/ lists such programs in item 3, 6 and 7. Another forum member used CCleaner to do it. During installations of programs read all messages and deselect unwanted add-ons etc.
Are all files gone now?
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Do you see anything else in the computer that is related to Ad-Aware?
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No, only the installer I downloaded on the 25th of February.
Just tried installing it again. I come to the same screen as the first pictures above. Something goes wrong and it asks me to try again later.
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like before, i sent the lavasoft file instead of a specific ad aware file, because I still have 2 files in my program data
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Sorry to hear that. Please, collect and upload new logs, but no need for DDS logs this time.
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Thanks for the logs
I'll inform my contact person at Lavasoft that they have logs to investigate.
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Hi again,
According to Lavasoft, AVG will interfere with the installation of Ad-Aware, they noticed that in a test a couple of weeks ago. Please, check if you can get Ad-Aware to install completely if you disable AVG before the installation.
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It still will not install, even with AVG temporarily disabled.
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That's bad and unfortunately you have to choose between AVG and Ad-Aware at the moment. I guess Lavasoft will try to solve the issue but I don't know when it will be fixed.
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Sorry, I don't know and I don't know if Lavasoft tested that, but as far as I know Ad-Aware aren't blocking the installation of any antivirus programs. Try it if you want, but be sure that you install Ad-Aware in compatible mode.
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Would I be able to uninstall AVG, attempt to instal Ad aware (assuming it would work) and then re install AVG? or would Lavasoft prevent AVG from installing as well, or some other mishap?
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What is compatible mode?
I can install Ad-Aware but skip the installation of it's antivirus, correct? If I have AVG, i dont think I need 2 anti virus scanners
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Please, see the manual: http://www.lavasoftsupport.com/index.php?/topic/33636-manual-and-faq-please-check-before-asking-questions/
In short, Ad-Aware is installed without real-time protection and can be used as an on-demand scanner to get a second opinion.
Nowadays it's very little difference between antivirus, anti-spyware and anti-malware programs, but no program detects everything and it's useful to have two programs that can check the files. A good antivirus program detects approx. 95% of known malicious files according to http://www.virusbtn.com/vb100/rap-index.xml and with more than 100000 new malicious files every day even 5% is a lot of missed files. But two antivirus programs together will detect more.
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Please, collect and upload the new log files.
I don't think that AVG's virus vault and log files can disturb an installation.
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I uninstalled AVG and restarted my computer. Ad Aware would still not install, the same problem occurring. While uninstalling AVG, it asked me if I wanted to delete the virus vault and something about logs.. I kept those files.
Do you think those would have interfered as well? I doubt it.Does this mean I must can't have Ad Aware?
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It still does the exact same thing as before....won't let me install.
AVG 2013 is still on my computer? What?
Unrelated: I suffered from a virus attack (over a year ago) that destroyed all .exe on my computer, which somehow disabled my Windows Defender. I'm going to attempt to enable it again, hopefully it won't add another headache to this. EDIT: Can't 'Turn On Now' Windows Defender.
I will re-install AVG 2014 again...
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Hi DeviLe15,
Thank you for provided data. I have checked it and found out that AVG drivers were not removed from your computer. And it can cause the issue with the installation of Ad-Aware program. Could you please use AVG uninstallation tool to remove everything related to AVG? You can find this tool following the link below:
Once AVG removal is complete, try to install Ad-Aware once again.
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I mean that I will not have my computer vulnerable to trojans and malware while waiting for Ad-Aware to actually install.
AVG is completely removed by methods provided by you, for the installation of Ad-Aware. In the all too frequent event of Ad Aware not installing, I re-install AVG, while waiting for a response on this forum.
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AVG needs to be completely removed before installing Ad-Aware. Do you mean that you aren't interested in using Ad-Aware since you're installing AVG again?
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We would like you to uninstall AVG and run their removal tool, restart the computer and try to install Ad-Aware. If it still fails, we need to see a new set of logs to check why it failed.
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Thanks for the logs, DeviLe15, I'll inform my contact person at Lavasoft.
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