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AdAware SE causes PC to reboot during scan



  • Customer



    Could you describe how the system shutsdown, does it give a blue screen with error text or does the system shutdown in a controlled manner?


    I do not have access to Windows 2000 so can not confirm the procedure is exactly the same for Windows 2000, can you also let me know if you tried adjusting the services setting for RPC and DCOM as per the FAQ?



    Many thanks

  • Customer



    When the system shuts down, it goes directly to a black monitor for just a second or two, then immediately reboots Dell, Pentium, Windows, etc. No blue screen, no error text, no count down till shut down, nothing. Just black and reload.


    I tried to do as directed in that part of the FAQ's as well. Went to services.msc. But, in the services window that is displayed, there is nothing called "DCOM Server Process Launcher" to scroll down to. I was able to follow the directions for the RPC. That didn't change anything.


    (The only options I have in the service window are: Alerter, Application Management, ASF Agent, Automatic Updates, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, ClipBook, COM+ Event System, Computer Browser, DefWatch, DHCP Client, Distributed Link Tracking Client, Distributed Transaction Coordinator, DNS Client,

    Event Log, Fax Service, Iap, Indexing Service, Intel NCS NetService, Intel PDS, Internet Connection Sharing, IPSEC Policy Agent, Logical Disk Manager, Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service, Machine Debug Manager, Messenger , Net Logon, NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing, Network Connections, Network DDE, Network DDE DSDM, NT LM Security Support Provider, pcAnywhere Host Service, Performance Logs and Alerts, Plug and Play, Portable Media Serial Number Service, Print Spooler, Protected Storage, QoS RSVP, Remote Access Auto Connection Manager, Remote Access Connection Manager, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator, Remote Registry Service, Removable Storage, Routing and Remote Access, RptSched, RunAs Service, Security Accounts Manager, Server, Smart Card, Smart Card Helper, SQL Anywhere - Nexxsys_Engine, Symantec AntiVirus Server, System Event Notification, Task Scheduler, TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service, Telephony, Telnet, Uninterruptible Power Supply, Utility Manager, Windows Installer, Windows Management Instrumentation, Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions, Windows Time, WinFax PRO, Wireless Configuration, Workstation)




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