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AdAware 9.6 will not update



  • Support
    [quote name='sjackson99' timestamp='1326016641' post='131812']

    Not sure this problem has been resolved as you suggest. I've tried installs, uninstalls and solutions suggested in the forum. Still can't get Total Security to update the file defs for the four licenses I purchased to upgrade. Now have the same issue with Pro as I have tried to roll back to my old license. Where can I get some help to resolve this problem or a refund for the four licenses?



    Hi sjackson99,

    Unfortunately some persons still have problems updating. Lavasoft is working to fix the remaining issues.

    If you want Lavasoft to be able to see the picture, you have to upload it to the forum (attach to your post) and not link to a file on your computer.
  • Customer
    Dragon slayed! I'll try Avira instead
  • Customer
    still not working on 2nd machine. and i also, only unistalled and reinstalled because it was doing exactly the same as it is now beforehand. thinkin maybe it got corrupted, but thats not the case.
  • Customer
    Hi all,

    We are aware of the situation and are currently investigating.



    Lavasoft Malware Labs
  • Support
    Hi rqcs,

    As you have seen in other topics Lavasoft has some problems with the hardware involved with updates and is working to solve it.
  • Customer
    [quote name='LS Andy' timestamp='1325932805' post='131741']

    Hi all,

    We are aware of the situation and are currently investigating.



    Lavasoft Malware Labs


    This has been going on for weeks.

  • Customer
    i got 2 machines running this pro version paid script, and cant update. even tried a fresh install on one and still the same, been screwed up ever since i let it install the 1.6 release, fix it soon., please
  • Customer
    Hi all,

    We have isolated and fixed the issue blocking updates. Issue 1 was a bandwidth problem issue 2 hardware. Sincere apologies for the erratic service over the New Year period.

    Please update Ad-Aware - if you have any problems, please post here. Thank you for keeping us up to date with the issues you have been experiencing - it was very helpful.



    Lavasoft Malware Labs
  • Support
    Hi gkarasik,

    The current problem started at New Year. If you had problems before that, you had (have) other problems.
  • Customer
    [quote name='HisShadowX' timestamp='1326005542' post='131809']

    Posting, Ad Aware Total Secruity....


    Not sure this problem has been resolved as you suggest. I've tried installs, uninstalls and solutions suggested in the forum. Still can't get Total Security to update the file defs for the four licenses I purchased to upgrade. Now have the same issue with Pro as I have tried to roll back to my old license. Where can I get some help to resolve this problem or a refund for the four licenses?

  • Customer
    [quote name='LS Andy' timestamp='1325963553' post='131778']

    Hi all,

    We have isolated and fixed the issue blocking updates. Issue 1 was a bandwidth problem issue 2 hardware. Sincere apologies for the erratic service over the New Year period.

    Please update Ad-Aware - if you have any problems, please post here. Thank you for keeping us up to date with the issues you have been experiencing - it was very helpful.



    Lavasoft Malware Labs


    Posting, Ad Aware Total Secruity....
  • Customer
    one machine updated but froze the opening banner on screen with a shutdown of program error, i rebooted and it shows todays update on prg.still having probs on other machine right now. its trying to download but super super slowly 5 mins passed and only shows 1/8 inch of green bar on bottom. well, it reloaded even tho it never indicated it was done, and SHOWS todays date, but i hit update again to dbl check, and guess what? its still trying to update the same thing, it did error out tho when it disappeared off screen, so i think i didnt get the whole update, and that machine is the one i did the fresh install after deleting the one i had on it trying to fix it. so right now one machine updated, other one, still not working right.
  • Customer
    my 2nd machines only getting to 1.2% then it just quits, how do ya capture the image of the program to post here? i tried alt and ctrl print screen but nothing happens
  • Support
    [quote name='lanedtul' timestamp='1326022374' post='131818']

    my 2nd machines only getting to 1.2% then it just quits, how do ya capture the image of the program to post here? i tried alt and ctrl print screen but nothing happens


    It is not necessary to upload an image of Ad-Aware stalled at 1.2 %, I think Lavasoft understands your written explanation.
  • Customer
    The issue is not resolved, but I suspect the problem is bandwidth.

    The update is downloading CSC39-FN-0-11356-F.sbr.sgn.f... which is 79844 KB in size. The progress bar moves gradually for several minutes (very slow download and not an issue my end) and then it ends with no explanation.

    This is how the problem first manifested. The subsequent issues which prevented it from even getting this far have been resolved, but the fact is I still cannot update.
  • Customer
  • Customer

    Thanks to all for notifying us of this issue. This problem is only affecting users that have uninstalled/reinstalled Ad-Aware, or have installed Ad-Aware for the first time.

    Please visit [url=""]here[/url] for more information.



    Lavasoft Malware Labs
  • Customer

    I only uninstalled & reinstalled because the upate function failed to connect to the server for several days - I usually do a manual update every evening (as well as auto) probaby due to paranoia about malware!

    I now have an Ad-Aware which is totally useless (currently been downloading for 30 minutes or so - update manager screen shows about 30% progress on the download, but main control panel in advanced mode now shows 0.0% having reached 1.2% twenty minutes ago!).

    I am currently having to rely on Spybot to provide anti-malware functionality (my ISP's free version - hacked by them or McAfee for them - of McAfee is pretty poor in this respect) - have much preferred Ad-Aware free fo several years!.

    I have a nominal 40 Mb/sec connection which usually measures at around 37 MB/sec on speed test sites & provides a steady download at this speed from GigaNews servers.
  • Customer
    Sorry guys this has gone on long enough. Am un-installing Ad-aware and moving to Comodo
  • Support
    [quote name='rqcs' timestamp='1326099171' post='131863']

    Sorry guys this has gone on long enough. Am un-installing Ad-aware and moving to Comodo


    Hi rqcs,

    Comodo's firewall is great, but their antivirus and anti-malware is not as good as Ad-Aware, see for example
  • Customer
    Can't you just make that problematic 70 MB defintion file in question available from another ftp download link so Ad-Aware users could download/import/update manually?
  • Support
    Hi bobov,

    Sorry, but it is impossible to say when all problems will be solved. Lavasoft is working very hard both with a proper solution and a work-around.
  • Customer
    I recently uninstalled/reinstalled Ad-Aware.

    As of a few minutes ago, I still can't download the first definitions file.

    Is there a work-around? When might we expect a resolution?
  • Customer
    Hi all,

    You will hopefully have noticed that the update problem has been resolved. Thank you for keeping us informed - it was very helpful. If you experience any more problems, please create a new thread in this forum. Thanks!



    Lavasoft Malware Labs
  • Customer
    We finally update works. Hosana!
  • Customer
    I seem to have a slightly different update problem (with AdAware Free 9.6). When I try to update definitions by clicking

    on web update in the main page I get a message saying that the software is already up to date even though the latest update date on the main screen has 06/01/2012 (plus the number 0150.0675) for several days. I don't know how to manually download definitions. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
  • Customer
    Additional info:

    I have the same problem, the last update via the update-button is from 7.1.12, the last on is from 8.1.12, today is 10.1.12.

    What happens?

    Using the, see above, I´ve got the files from today????
  • Customer
    [quote name='stophis' timestamp='1326224257' post='131942']

    How to you will find:


    within you find the address [url=""][/url]


    Hi Stophis,

    The redirect message sates that the def version is for 2008 and only for XP and Vista, I am running Win7 and 9.6 ad-aware. My 9.6 stopped updating as 08 Jan 2012. Can this def file work for me?

  • Customer
    2nd machine i just tried to update again, it froze, just like the other one did, i rebooted cuz i also updated adobe reader, and it asked to reboot. once loaded i pulled up adaware, and it shows current update finally, i hit update and says its current, so i suspect the issues finally got resolved on your end. shew, sure glad thats over.

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