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W32.myzor.FK@yf Is it gone?


1 comment

  • Support

    Those logs look ok. Panda detected mostly cookies. Have you run a full system scan with Adaware SE? Can you post a scan log from it please?


    Please can you make sure that you are using

    Ad-aware SE Build 106r1

    Note: If your version is 6.0 and not the SE, you need to uninstall and get the latest version from the above link.


    [if not Uninstall your old Ad-aware first then install SE]

    Then use the WebUpDate

    to get the latest Definition file

    SE1R113 28.06.2006

    To do this Open Ad-aware

    Click the WebUpDate

    button at the top right hand side of the Ad-aware screen (The world globe).

    Click "Connect"

    Ad-aware will then download the latest Definition file for you.

    To make sure it is updated , look at the main

    Ad-aware screen, and look under "Initialization Status"

    It should say the Latest Definition file.

    then scan doing a "Full Scan"

    and then post your logfile here by using the Add-Reply Feature .

    As Logs are stored in :

    C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Lavasoft\Ad-aware\Logs\.

    An easy way to get there is to

    click Start,

    click Run

    And type in and press ENTER: %appdata%

    then click Lavasoft

    then Ad-Aware

    and then Logs.

    scroll down to find the latest one that you have

    (by date & time)

    and open it right Click select all

    copy and then paste the contents of it here.

    (Make sure that all of your Logfile has been posted, sometimes it will require two post's to get it all)


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