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Do you support Windows on Arm?


5 commentaires

  • hennery

    Yes, the Web Companion application is supported on Windows 11 and Windows on Arm64 devices. You can easily login to your Web Companion account to access its features and enhance your browsing security on these operating systems

  • Bernard Webster

    Windows on ARM and Windows 11 on ARM64 have been gaining more support from various applications and developers. However, the compatibility of specific applications, such as a web companion application, can vary.

    Native ARM64 Support: The application needs to be compiled for ARM64 architecture to run natively on Windows on ARM for optimal performance.
    Compatibility Layer: If the application is not natively compiled for ARM64, it may still run under Windows 11’s compatibility layer for x86/x64 applications. However, this might result in reduced performance or potential compatibility issues.

  • Angel Brown

    I think it is supported. Please let us know.

  • snow rider

    Is the Web Companion application supported on Windows 11 and Windows on Arm64 devices, and can I easily log in to my account to access its features for enhanced browsing security?

  • Jani43e

    Yes, supporting Windows on ARM can benefit by ensuring compatibility with a wider range of devices. Optimizing the game for ARM architecture can enhance performance and battery efficiency on ARM-based laptops and tablets, providing a smoother, more responsive experience for players across various platforms.


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