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Unity crash


6 commentaires

  • Customer

    Hi Jeremy,


    I have forwarded this to the Dev team to investigate.

    Thank you for taking the time to bring this issue to our attention!



  • Customer

    To be clear, we're using CEF integration as many other programs are. Such as: spotify, client etc etc.

    They seem to work without crashing but there's a difference with our software it's that they have their .dll and .exe files digitally signed.

    Can you check with your Dev team if signing will fix the issue.


    The crash happens when libcef.dll calls the system function SetFileCompletionNotificationModes ( instead of going via the normal windows dll, it gets intercepted by LavasoftTcpService64.dll and crashes in there.


    As spotify and other apps are using the same library, we were wondering what would make it that their application can call the proper windows dll and bypass the LavasoftTcpService64.dll. The only difference we saw was that theirs, was digitally signed.




  • Customer

    Upon further investigation, this seems to only happen on Windows 8.1 64 bits.

  • Customer

    To repro:
    on a window 8.1 64 bits machine.
    go to
    download branch 2062 windows 64 bits test app (Test App (25MB)) (you can try any branch the result will be the same, but we are using 2062 in Unity 5.1)
    install lavasoft and have web companion on.


    Start the test app (cefclient.exe) in the url simply type another url such as crash in lavasoft.

  • Support

    Thanks, Luc, the new information has been forwarded to the Dev. team.

  • Customer

    Now that windows 10 is out, we can confirm that it also crashes on windows 10 64bits too.


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