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3 commentaires

  • Customer



    The category of the detection is not accurate (Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT) but the file includes additional software bundles that some users may inadvertantly install, hence the detection. If you are comfortable with the application's install procedure, you can ignore this detection.


    I highly recommend you upgrade to Ad-Aware 11 - verison 9.6 is really old now and the code base is no longer maintained. You can get v11 here.




    Lavasoft Malware Lab

  • Support



    It's best to download Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor directly from Microsoft:

  • Customer

    Thanks for the information and no worries. This Dimension XPS 2nd generation desktop is really old (12+ years) but it still works just fine (albeit, very slowly), unfortunately, I am not able to upgrade to Windows 7 cleanly without having to scour Dell for additional drivers, etc which is also one of the reasons I never updated AdAware on it either since I have heard that the newer versions conflict with Norton more critically than previous versions did. system is really old, and have been saving up for a new one before installing. I will delete the Upgrade Advisor and download directly from Microsoft.

    Thanks for your support and assistance.


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