False Positve: Registry Smith being detected by AdAware
Dear Sirs,
This is from the owner of Registry Smith and www.registrysmith.com. Thanks for your time to read this letter. We are very sorry to tell you that we found that the the process of our product Registry Smith is misstated by Ad-Aware as Application.Generic.1650396 on July 7th,2016. Here is the source of news:
We are delighted to know the reason why our program is being classified as Application.Generic.1650396 while we are just aiming at helping people to effectively eliminate Registry errors.
Our product does not steal customers' private information, produce advertisements or other actions, illegal or unseemly.We allow people to
uninstall our product effectively if they don't like to use it any more.We have a 60 days money-back guarantee, people can absolutely make their decisions after using our programs.
Here we attached Registrysmith_Setup.exe for your investigation (password: 123456).Please review our program again and we sincerely hope you can remove this false positive asap, it is an extremely important issue for us.
Thanks in advance.
We look forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Hi RegistrySmith,
Thanks for letting us know. We'll investigate and report back here.
Lavasoft Malware Lab
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The detection is a false positive and will be removed as of an update to be released today.
Lavasof Malware Lab
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